This pet billboard was made by Klein Dytham architecture. Absolutely beautiful.
The building is tiny. It’s a 11m long, two-storey high wedge, 2.5m wide at one end and tapering to just 600mm at the other. Although small, it has a prominent position facing a well-trafficked road. Being nearly all front, we let it be what it so obviously wanted to be – an inhabitable billboard.A Guidebook on Pet Architecture explains:
They are areas such as a 1-meter width space among many closely placed buildings, a small and subdivided piece of land, or a long and slender city block sandwiched between the road and the railroad. These unusual places are the byproducts of urban development and have been produced abundantly in Tokyo. This undefined space has come into existence in the marginal realm between the different city systems, or it is immanent in the city system itself! They are small and though they appear, at first glance, to be somewhat cold and distant to the surrounding environment we can say that this type of architecture adopts the attributes of pet culture and have become pets of the city environment. They too are small, humorous and charming in their own way!